“Excellent” recognition level on the Corporate Governance Report (CGR) of Thai Listed Companies 2023 by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)

  • Top Quartile Total Listed Company Level
  • Top Quartile Agro & Food Industry Level

Good Corporate Governance Policy

Board of Directors have established a corporate governance policy under the principles of good governance, rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission to be used as a guideline in the company's business operations including giving importance to the practice of all sectors of shareholders fairly and equally, having enough transparency and presentation of the information accurately.

Good Corporate Governance Policy
Business Ethics

E-Learning Code of Conduct

Other Policies

Regulating of Insider Trading and Internal Information Management Policies
Related Transactions Policy
Treatment of Trade Competitors Policy
Treatment of Trading Partners and/or Creditors Policy
Treatment of Shareholders Policy
Treatment of Employees Policy
Treatment of Customers Policy
Non-infringement of Intellectual Property, Copyright and Confidential Information Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Community and Social Responsibility Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy
Whistleblowing Policy ,Management Guidelines and Protection Measures for Complainants
Tax Policy
Anti Corruption Policy
Important Policies and Monitoring to Ensure Compliance
Human Resource Management Policy
Policies and Guidelines for Human Rights and Protection Labor Practices
Trend of Related Transactions in The Future Policy


Charter of the Board of Directors
Charter of the Audit Committee
Charter of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Committee
Charter of the Risk Management Committee
Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Charter of the Chief Executive Officer
Executive Committee Charter
Company Secretary Charter

Corporate Documents

Articles of Association