The Company is committed to manage the environment efficiently.
This is considered as one of the issues that are important for sustainable business progress by giving importance to environmentally friendly management to prevent and reduce negative impacts in various aspects potential including to ensure that the Company will utilize resources wisely and for maximum benefit as well as to achieve the organization’s vision to be carbon neutral (Carbon Neutral Company), the Company has reviewed its environmental policies and practices that covers all companies in the group for the Board of Directors, the management, employees, business partners as well as stakeholders of all groups of companies to comply with as well as setting environmental goals as follows:

Environmental Goals
Subject | Target | Time Frame |
Energy |
1. To increase the proportion of renewable energy to 20%, by 2027 compared to the base of year 2022 2. To reduce electricity consumption per production unit by 5%, by 2027 compared to the base of year 2022 |
by 2027 |
Water | 2. To reduce water consumption per production unit by 5%, by 2027 compared to the base of year 2022 | by 2027 |
Waste |
3. To increase the proportion of recycled waste by 10 percent, compared to the base of year 2021 4. The amount of solid waste that must be disposed of in the final stage is reduced by 10 percent, compared to the base of year 2022 |
by 2027 |
Greenhouse Gases | 5. Having neutral carbon dioxide emissions (Carbon Neutral Company) | by 2027 |
Air Pollution Management
As the nature of the business of the Company that produces and distributes materials used as ingredients in food, therefore there is a risk that may cause the odour to disturb the community surrounding the factory. With the determination to reduce various environmental impacts, the Company, therefore installing odour treatment equipment as well as providing measurement of odour concentration (Odour Concentration) and the amount of contaminants in the air that is exhausted from the chimney, using the information obtained from the environmental quality measurement to determine measures for preventing and correcting environmental impacts within the project and surrounding areas, as well as finding ways to reduce the amount of pollutants generated to be under the specified standards. In the Year 2022, it was found that the results of measuring the concentration of odour and the amount of contaminants in the air exhausted from the chimney is within the standard.

Water Management
Performance on Water Use The company is aware of the importance of utilizing water for worthiness and maximize the efficiency of water use in the production process to reduce potential impacts and maintain sufficient water resources for the consumption of all sectors. Therefore, water saving measures and water system maintenance procedures have been established and initiated the Save Water Project to promote water use to raise awareness and cultivate consciousness for employees within the Company in using tap water economically and realizing its value through the process of thinking, reflecting, making decisions, and working together to eventually lead to the development of sustainable water resource management at the end.
Performance on Water Use
Waste Management
The Company is committed and has a long-term goal to reduce the amount of non-hazardous waste such as plastic scraps, cardboard and paper scraps from the production process of weighing formulas (Raw materials), mixing flour, trimming, scratching, and bagging / checking, examining the quality control (QC). There is a separation of waste types and having collected for further distribution to the recycling process. The aim is to minimize the amount of waste generated by the production process, ensuring efficient management of company resources by integrating circular economy principles. In the year 2022, the Company had a total amount of garbage and non-hazardous waste, totaling 70.15 tons, and having the amount of non-hazardous waste that could be reused (Reuse) / recycled (Recycle) of 51.17 tons, an increase of 37.1 tons increased from the Year 2021.

In assessing the link between policies and operational activities of the organization, biodiversity is related to issues that are critical to business operations. The Company aims to become a Carbon Neutral Company by 2027 by establishing plans to reduce and offset its greenhouse gas emissions of the organization which plans to participate in a voluntary greenhouse gas reduction project according to Thailand’s standards (Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER) in the forestry sector by planting/restoring forests sustainably. This is to increase green areas and conserve forest resources.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The Company gives priority to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in which is a major cause of climate changes. However, in the Year 2022, having set up a carbon footprint assessment project (Headquarter) to know the amount of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the value chain with a total amount of greenhouse gas emissions of 3 Scope 1+2 6,455 ton CO2e) and Scope 3 11,791 ton CO2e), along with participating in the Care the Bare Project of the Stock Exchange of Thailand in July 2022, to drive global warming reduction by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from corporate activities whether it was an onsite or online activities, as from July - December 2022, the Company had a reduced carbon footprint from activities and projects of 1,288.19 kgCO2e), equivalent to CO 2 absorption/year of 143 trees. In the future, there has plans to develop projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the organization together with planting sustainable forests to participate in the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (T-VER) of the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) or TGO to become a carbon neutral organization or Carbon Neutral Company by the year 2027 as well.